Please straighten your back when you’re drawing. And regularly hydrate yourself. This week was quite hectic, but I felt like it was the best way to practice working on editorial illustrations. As an illustrator for the NPR Next Generation Radio project, we had such a short deadline. However, it definitely put me in a position […]
Author: Eejoon Choi
Eejoon is a rising senior at the University of Southern California, where she majoring in Fine Arts while double minoring in Animation and Cinematic Arts. As a female artist with red-green colorblindness, her goal is to help make a space for artists with visual disabilities by pushing the limitations of art in this digital era. When she’s not working as a Lab Tech at her school’s Photography Lab, you can find her visiting art galleries or people watching in downtown Los Angeles.
Meet Eejoon Choi
Eejoon is a rising senior at the University of Southern California, where she majoring in Fine Arts while double minoring in Animation and Cinematic Arts. As a female artist with red-green colorblindness, her goal is to help make a space for artists with visual disabilities by pushing the limitations of art in this digital era. […]