This entire week during the Next Generation Radio virtual project went by so fast. The days didn’t feel long either, even though they were filled with Zoom meetings, along with reporting and editing. It was a great experience and I know if it would have been in person it would have been even better.
Throughout this week I was able to learn new things about myself. I learned that with a schedule I’m able to accomplish things more quickly. Having the days of the week planned out really helped me to see whether I was on track or falling a bit behind. There was one moment on Thursday where I started to feel like I was falling behind, when Audition crashed and I thought my entire project was gone.
Fortunately, I was able to recover it about an hour later. I learned I need to remain calm when I run into these types of challenges.
I really enjoyed the presentation on Solutions Journalism. I’m definitely going to look into that more after this week is over. The presentation about Protecting Your Magic was definitely something new for me and something that I needed to hear. When graduating college, no one really tells you what you should be looking for in a job and that you should watch out for red flags. I also learned I need to know my worth. If a job isn’t going to pay me fairly, I shouldn’t go with it just because it was one of my first job offers. I should wait and continue looking for others because something better is coming for me in the end.
I think something that happens after every interview while you’re listening to it is you start to realize that you should’ve either asked more follow up questions, new questions come to mind, or that this question should’ve been asked differently.
Overall, I’m pretty satisfied with the work I was able to accomplish this week and for all the help I got from NPR’s Next Generation Radio. I also had an amazing mentor, Elly who was a great help throughout the week. This was the first time that I was able to create a non-narrated audio story and I had been wondering what that would look like. This was an interesting new technique for me on storytelling and something I would like to continue doing again.